• 5 Tips To Deal With Heel Pain

    Whether due to poorly fitting shoes or previous trauma, heel pain is a common and painful condition. If you suffer from heel pain, you may have trouble walking around and participating in your favorite activities. However, if you are willing to make a few changes, you may be able to alleviate your heel pain once and for all. Here are a few tips to deal with heel pain. Get Adequate Rest [Read More]

  • Hip Damage: Do You Need A Prosthetic Joint?

    If you suffer from severe arthritis of the hip that doesn't respond well to any of your doctor's treatments, speak to an orthopedist about prosthetic hip replacement. Prosthetic hip replacement is a procedure used by orthopedists to replace their patients' severely damaged or deteriorated hip joints. A prosthetic hip joint may be an option for you as well. Learn more about prosthetics and why you may need a new hip joint soon below. [Read More]

  • Preventative Sports Medicine Care For Older Athletes

    Most people don't love to admit that they are getting older. But this can be even harder for athletes than for the average population. When you're an athlete who is aging, you have to come to terms with the fact that you can't train as hard as you used to, take longer to recover, and are more prone to injuries. You can't stop your body from aging. But what you can do is see a sports medicine doctor for some of the following preventative care services that are helpful for older athletes, in particular. [Read More]